Pet peeves, everyone has them.
We wouldn't be human if nothing annoyed us.
Wikipedia defines Pet Peeves as: a minor annoyance that an individual identifies as particularly annoying to them, to a greater degree that others may find it.
People are annoyed by the strangest things and I have to admit that I do have a couple pet peeves.
1. Tags sticking out of peoples shirts-- I don't know what it is, but it gets me every time. Tags are meant to be kept inside your shirt, not showing on the outside. When I see friends with their tags hanging out of their shirt I have to tuck them back in. It's almost like the tag is lost and needs to be put back in its place.
2. Wobbly Chairs-- I can't stand wobbly chairs. It's not right! It really annoys me especially when you're sitting on the chair for a decent amount of time, and every time you move you keep tipping side to side or forwards and backwards. I remember in Spanish class back in high school we had to pick a chair and I would test out every chair until I found one that wasn't wobbly. When I found that right chair I could hear the choirs sing!
3. Using the word "all's"-- When people use the word "all's" in their sentence it annoys me! For example "All's I know is that I want to go back there." No! That's not right! It should be "All I know is I want to go back there."
4. When people move my stuff-- Another one of my pet peeves is when people move my stuff. I put it in a place that I will remember where it is and when someone moves it I go crazy 'cause I can't find it.
5. When people cut me off while driving-- Basically, if you don't know how to drive... get off the road.
Those are some of my pet peeves. If you have any crazy ones, leave me a comment and let me know.
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