"Protester refuses to apologize for torch disruption"
Source: CTVBC
Anti-Olympic protesters caused a disturbance Tuesday after disrupting the route of the Olympic torch relay in Victoria. Seventeen year old Nicholas Dronsfield, who has cerebral palsy was determined to run the torch on his own on Tuesday and was upset when he couldn't due to the protesters blocking the way. Dronsfields travelled to Nanimo the next day to fulfill his lifelong dream. Anti-Olympic protesters felt that it was not necessary to apologize to the teenager after destroying his Olympic moment. Dronsfield said that an apology wouldn't mean much to him anyways, "I don't think that an apology from the protesters would have much meaning to me right now," he said. "The way they expressed their opinion just was so negative and destructive that an apology would be so meaningless to me."
What I learned from this article is that people are very rude and inconsiderate. This young boy with a disease gets his moment to shine, and careless protesters ruined his special moment. It is quite sickening. Maybe this time it wasn't about protesters causing mayhem, but about this young man having the chance to run with the torch. People are so selfish these days thinking only of themselves. I don't see the point in people protesting about an event that is still going to happen no matter what they do. I think these protesters owe Dronsfiled a heart-filled apology for disturbing the peace of the Olympic torch relay.
I really enjoyed reading this article. Not only did I enjoy what it was about but that the journalist portrayed this story very well. The journalist showed both sides of the story, from the boys perspective and the protesters.
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