"Twilight relationship unhealthy, professor says"
Source: The Vancouver Sun
Twilight is one of the largest selling book series and movies today. The movies and books revolve around vampires, werewolves and humans showing feelings of love, hate, and lust. A University of Victoria professor is warning parents and young Twilight Fans that the series depicts unhealthy relationships between Bella Swan and Edward Cullen. The Stephenie Meyer's books are about the romance between the mortal, Bella Swan, played by Kristen Stewart, and vampire Edward Cullen, played by Robert Pattinson. Scientist Janni Aragon believe the main female character isn't a good role model for young girls. Swan is portrayed as a clumsy and silly girl while Cullen is mature and all-knowing. "He loves her humanity, but the way- especially in the books- he is portrayed is somewhat problematic," said Aragon. "At times he can be condescending. He watches her while she is sleeping. He is uninvited- and in the real world, that's called stalking. That's not the same as being in love with someone so much you're obsessed." Through the new movie "The Twilight Saga: New Moon" Bella feels numb and alone through her senior year of high school. She is somewhat depressed. Being in love with Edward pulls Bella into greater and greater risks which brings the action to the movie.
What I learned from this article is that professors have way too much time on their hands. Instead of conducting an important research, Aragon is studying and analyzing the Twilight series. When I was going through The Vancouver Sun, I spotted this article and thought it was hilarious. I never thought of any of the things that Aragon said. I just watched the movie and never thought any more of it. So after reading this article I actually understood what she wrote and analyzed in the movies and books. If these characters were real they would be very "messed up" and their relationship wouldn't work out, but since they aren't real it's okay to imagine and believe what we want to and Aragon ruined it a little for me.
I enjoyed how the Journalist explained the Twilight movie to us just in case the reader hadn't seen it or read the books. She explained what Aragon saw as the problem as well as proof to her statements with sources from the book and the movies. Sandra McCulloch, the journalist, also included quotes from Aragon, as well as Twilight fans. She also included a female character from another movie that she thought was a better role model than Bella Swan.